Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Homecoming week

So last friday i went to my high school football game and we won like 45 to 0 and i was shocked that we did. so on moday we had spirit week. on monday you dress in your pj but i was sick on that day. and on tuesday we had assemby first in the morning for voting for homecoming queen and king and every dress in their hawil stuff and today we had club day like band and sports and also in parade going on today for band and sports people . so tomorrow we have around the world which i have no clue what to wear. the i friday we have school color red white and blue so. that should be fun and pep assemby. so we like get your grader monday and i scared for my grader because i think i am doing but in my last class. but i am going to a study thing tonight to rasie my grade.and a scince project wow.