Monday, September 29, 2008

frontier focus

wow this last week was crazy! OKAY so 5 of your youth Daniel, Skyler , Eric and me and two boys from the Nevada Andrew Jansen and brandy went up to frontier focus with us. so on Wednesday we all slept over a the kohen's house and played video and some of the boy stayed up till 3:00 am and the thing we had to get ready to leave at 3:00 am on Thursday morning but we hit the road at 4:00 . So we all had to sit three to a sit. which we really had no room and very hard to sleep. it was a 10 hour drive till we got to Wyoming. so it was a lot of fun. when we got there we had a place to stay and stuff like it was really fun seeing a the girls that were at camp. so we play game like the first for acting because Friday we made movie which was super fun. so on friend we got a chance to go to all the class that we want to go to which was really. and truly awesome to see how god is working and there lives. i met a few new people .so on Friday after class we really had nothing to do but hangout . so i went to the park with Andrew and Daniel and lagoon and a few other people and we had a rock fight which was really fun then we went and had dinner and while that happen we made movie . then a hour we watch then which so cool. so on Saturday i basically was hanging with Daniel sister and Sara and watching high school musical . then on Sunday we with to Nebraska to see billy bagley which so fun then we went but to the college and got your stuff the hit the road. i really want to go back there it was awesome place and i miss everyone there really bad. but i had fun.
i will put picture up here and the video of all the movie when i find out how to download on the computer.

before i forget i might be on for a while cause i am moving to Nevada for a little bit . god bless

Monday, September 22, 2008

Way Excited

so here a update for last week we had a homecoming , i did not go to the homecoming game but i heared we lost :( so we had the pep rally again and we did awesome job at the better than last , the freshman did not get people ssaying we suck people jumping up and down on the on where we sat and stuff like. so today we got yout grades and my grades were not that bad at all. so today we watchedthe phantom of the opera in choir class. so i will probably not be online for a while after the 28 cause i am moving. but i way excited for the FBS focus trip with 6 people but not for the long car ride. will everyone have a fun trip. oh the of the dress up youth thingly got easer so i can't show you them.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Dress up youth!

okay on thursday we had youth group and we all help out getting set up for the VBS and Youth yard sales and Me and Raliey , Rekah decided to wear mens ties and then we found so clothes that we put on and other stuff and then we like said all of the youth dress up but it was on two little boys that did it with us and we dress the up in girls clothes then we took at picture of it which i will put the picture when rebkah sends them to me and you can take them there pretty funny don't ask way we did this we just did.Then daniel found a some neckles that keep the vimper away and he like this should keep then away. wow so i guess i am super werid to be dress up and weird clothes but who care. i have fun being werid.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Homecoming week

So last friday i went to my high school football game and we won like 45 to 0 and i was shocked that we did. so on moday we had spirit week. on monday you dress in your pj but i was sick on that day. and on tuesday we had assemby first in the morning for voting for homecoming queen and king and every dress in their hawil stuff and today we had club day like band and sports and also in parade going on today for band and sports people . so tomorrow we have around the world which i have no clue what to wear. the i friday we have school color red white and blue so. that should be fun and pep assemby. so we like get your grader monday and i scared for my grader because i think i am doing but in my last class. but i am going to a study thing tonight to rasie my grade.and a scince project wow.

Monday, September 8, 2008

A New change

A lot has happen this month and in my life. High school is going great but i am behind in Word Basing process which ( typing where you get to know that keyboard good). A sad happen in my life so i moving and i am really sad about. but i am to Nevada to help my grandma who's getting knee placement surgery and i hoping that while were up there i can lead her to the lord. And for some of you that live in st George i might be able to visit you, so that will be a fun thing to do. So on Sunday i got invited to go up to Frontier the Bible for Focus and i am really excited but i am the youngest that going and only girl, but i am way excited. i really hoping i can to camp still. i hope you guys stay in touch, any prayer request email them to me. love ya. so next Sunday i am helping in Jr church and the youth is going to start to do worship that should be fun.