Friday, July 18, 2008

8th grader trip

i know this is latebut i am going to right anyways.This year i got a chance to ride a rollercoaster for the first time in my life in was such a blast i went to the lagoon for my 8th grader trip and i went with three other people one was scared of highest and we wen t pretty high on ride and anyway i had the time of my life even though it was a three hour drive there and back it was fun. my farvortie ride was the rocket and the wicked i think i spelled that wrong. we got wet before we left the park and my friends started a water fight which was fun. this year was really fun even though i moved. hahah but i maked alot of friends i ran for vice prez for high school next year. i don't know what else to say so i am getting off.. i will put picture on later .