Thursday, July 9, 2009

Teen camp

wow. june the 29 i finally got into uath and from there i went to cmr. i had a awesome cabin. On the first day we got in to your teens and we played a twilight for nights games, which i was not to happy about, but always everything went well for the next three days. i got to see my friends again which was awesome, so i got a chance to hangout with taylor and casey, so many other and new friends. i love the games this year, very exciting , and the wednesday night skit were awesome very funny. i didn't want it to end, but it did. on thursday a group of people did a skit to a song for lifehouse called everthing, a very touching . so that's pretty much it if you want of teen email me . welll, that's all i can't for family camp and vbs , god bless.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


will i really bored right so i going to write something. so i few weeks ago we were in pe and we had a free day to play games. so usually some girls ask if we cand play kid games and the teacher said no but , she lets play a few kid games which was really fun. so we played line tagger which is okay. then we played red light green, then we play duck duck gooes which was so funny and we play it a second time oh your tummies were we had a partner. and we had one person chasing someone and if you had some lay next to your parnter would chase then so it was a on going thing of duck duck gooes so i was running away for someone and i kind of slam myself on the gym a little to hard and i end up hurting my finger really bad. so anyways i so excited that so is all most over . we had spirit week last week it was so crazy. monday was wedding day and tuesday was cross dress day and it was a ugly thing to see boys in makeup and dress it not my idea of a pretty thing to see. we i think the boys won that one cause we were going against the boys, and wed, was beach say it was the only day that we could usually wear flip flops. and thursday we had cowboy not much people dress up. but friday we hasd pink and blue that was the only day i dress up up, and we had a assembly first thing in the morning it was awesome . the that won mock rock did their thingly it was funny of course something had to go worng because the music kept mess up we did not get to see that end of but it was way to funny. any ways i will stop writting now . i bet i already have you to sleepp . blah blah. God bless :-)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Every 15 minutes

These past two days we been doing this program called every 15 minutes.Every 15 minutes some is killed or hurt by a drunk drive. Thursday the 10-12 grader did a sence of a car adddicent that was cause by a drunk drive. one of the people died and the others were hurt really bad. so every 15 minutes a bell would ring and that says that someone just died .so what your school did people who did it were take out of class, by someone that was dressed in all black. i think by the time the day was over there was about 21 people who died, but not of real.
so today this lady came to talk to us about drunk driving and tolds us some really sad true story about people that died and was serious hurt . and some of the picture we saw were really sad and some story, and it made me almost cry. i really hope to never see the picture again. some of the kids were laughing and some were just jerks about the whole thing. THIS IS NOT A JOKE AT ALLL. But it was a real eye opener and a really sad thing to think about. Please don't drink and drive cause you never know, you might end up killing your best friend or family and you can't bring them back to life. anyway the kids that were in it had to stay and a motel for 24 hours, without any cells of what so ever and had go though the whole thing.
anyways this is a thing the was a awesome and sad thing the my school did to should kids not to drink and drive. And we even watch a movie on what they did at the sence. to and every that went it happens.
god bless

Thursday, April 23, 2009

helping teens behind bars

So in one of my class we have been really about teens in jail. so today we had a group that goes in and teach the teens about god and how they do worship. so it was really awesome and we how there is no smiling what so every in there at alll. but anyways i think it's awesome how this christant group teachs people about god. and what not and help them change there live and pray for them.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

high school life

well i haven't update things that have happen to me for a while so here we go.
so we are on spring break. then when we get back we have 6 weeks till finals. wow i'm done with my choir final so i'm glad that's over. but anyways i;m making alot of friends and 3 months i went on another college trip which so for freshmen and i got to talk some new people. anyways i might join a really hard choir class but i have to try out. but i'm not sure if i should anyways. i'm glad that there is no more drama.
i will stop talking on my bored things i have to say,
god bless